Thursday 2 March 2017

Seeking-Only-Unity-Love S.O.U.L.

For most if not all of our lives here on Earth we are strangers to ourselves we do not know who we really are, and yet we can spend all our lives within this physical vehicle and never know who the
driver of  the vehicle really is!
Think about that for a moment, you have been inhabiting this physical body all of your life and
basically all you know is your name,(which was given to you by your parents) that's not you,and
you may add that you are a plumber or electrician or a house wife ,beyond  that if you were pressed to go deeper you would start to fumble and soon stop talking altogether, why? Because unless you are one of the minority it seems in this world that do know who they are, you have not got a clue who you really are, and this modern media and advertisers make sure you will never know, because it keeps your focus on the outer illusionary glamour veiled world, where it is taken for granted that you have only a five second attention span,(about the same as a goldfish ,I  believe) so in the course of your day it is mostly spent looking at pieces of plastic, sending texts, watching  television shows
which are mostly puerile trash dressed up as something interesting, notice many of these shows
that have the gall to say they are entertainment, all have bright flashing lights and shiny tinsil abounding that's to keep you focussed on the bullshit it is peddling.
So here you are say fifty years old ,fairly  bright and intelligent and someone asks you who you are, they look into your eyes and hold their gaze fixed on you, what are you going to say to them in reply?
Well my name is Joe  Bloggs, and I am a plumber ,and  was born in Luton! That's it ,in  fifty years that's all you know about you, which amounts to zero! How do you feel about that dear reader of this blog, I would feel very uneasy about that realization myself .Realizing that beyond a name and my job I knew nothing about who "I" was. We are sadly let down by the collected ignorance of our society and those that teach our children, children at school need to be taught the reality of who and what they are, that they are divine souls with bodies ,and  not bodies with souls ,taught  that we are all related of the one divine family ,brother  and sister, that death is an illusion, when we "die" all we do is exit the vehicle (physical body) and return to our other home in the etheric plane of expression
and then take stock of our last life ,learn  the lessons from it ,and  use that experience for other excursions in this vale of tears ,or joy, after having a well earned rest that is.
warmest regards Michael

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