Wednesday 1 March 2017

Do You Want Ataraxy In Your Life.?

Ataraxia means robust equanimity, characterized by ongoing freedom from stress and worry, serenity
a state of freedom from emotional  disturbance ,It  this not something that we all would like in our daily living? And how many of us experience this joyous state on a regular basis? We live in a stressful world, trying at times to keep our heads above the water and hopefully pay all our bills
on  time ,we  are conscious that if we miss our mortgage payments for more than three months in a row we could have our home re-possessed and be out on the street! Or if we are made redundant this too adds to the stress of modern living .I  see families  struggling desperately to cope with it all,and
when times such as Christmas arrives the misery increases ten fold, I have seen many families get so over spent cash wise over Christmas that it takes them over a year to settle the debts they owe! Is that
a joyful way to live?
We seem to be under constant pressure from all manner of directions, from the media, from our work place (if we are fortunate enough to have one) the advertisers who urge us to buy the crap they are hawking so that we can have an easier healthier life, buy one and get one free they say like a parrot
hooked on cannabis seeds!
Have we peace and serenity in our hearts and lives today? If not then what are you prepared to do about it? We all have the right to be joyful ,to  have peace of mind ,to  feel safe and secure within our homes ,to  relax with our family and friends, be able to share with one another our life's experiences
how many of you today reading this are joyful relaxed and at peace with the world?
I know for me life would be shallow and have no substance if I did not practice meditation ,it  has given me boundless joy and peace of mind, there are still problems that arise in my life but they can be dealt with in an adult and sensible manner, whereas in my past I would always make mountains
out of mole hills.
warmest regards Michael.

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