Tuesday 7 March 2017


This blog is about that overwhelming feeling that we can get while living this life, and almost
seem to suffocate us and  bury us in false assumptions and egotistical vain ideas. The title of
this blog when broken down spell this; Self-Making-Out-Thoughts-Helping-Evade-Rescue-
Exhausted-Drowning =SMOTHERED,  I can most certainly identify with this, as I was so
overladen with fear and panic ,single -minded in the pursuit of getting something to fix my
fear and unease, usually with me it was alcohol ,we  all have our fix's of choice, there was no
time for the niceties of  life ,or chilling out with friends,(what were they?) just a fixed idea on
wanting to feel "normal" and at ease ,this  never came things only got worse, the feelings of
"impending doom" grew more intense each day, even breathing became laboured and the
feeling of sinking into a bottomless pit grew more real as the days past, living became
unbearable and I felt smothered and was gasping for life, these experiences of mine were
quite severe in their expression, but millions of us are all in varying degrees of being
gradually engulfed in that smothering cloak. Our lives can seem empty, we are unfulfilled
the pressures of working too hard in order to pay all the bills, and perhaps asking yourself
"is this all there is to my life?" We feel the pressure of the advertisers who say in you buy
our product you will look younger, then you look in the mirror and feel very old, and perhaps
say what have I done in my life? We can lose our focus and if not careful enter into a pattern
of circular thinking that will if left unchecked result in negative thinking and behaviour
and begin to squeeze the life energy out of us, resulting in gradual smothering of ourselves.
For me the way out of this smothering suffocating sickness was to be able to share with others
who too had the very same problems ,being  able to identify with them and then also realize
that I was no longer alone and unique in my suffering, also taking up the regular practice of
meditation opened up a whole new world of a reality I had never dreamed of, and showed me the
way to feel peace and serenity and to discover that I was a living soul with a physical body
and not a body with a soul, instead of being closed in and choking for air, I am now free and breathing easy ,I  sincerely pray and hope that any of you reading this(if anyone actually is!)
can identify with anything here, will see that there is a way out for you ,go take it NOW!
with warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

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