Thursday 23 March 2017

The One And The Many.

Although this physical universe is three fold in the nature of its expression, for the sake of
simplicity, they are positive, negative, and neutral. I maintain that this trident of power or
force is really the manifestation of just one fundamental energy, I further maintain that all
the numerous names we have for particles ect, are basically all the same thing. Lets call
it energy for want of a better word, then this is all there really is in the entire physical
universe, just energy which masquerades as all the other phenomena witnessed by the
science fraternity, energy can be attractive, repulsing, neutral, It depends on its rotational
spin and vibrational rate. If we could just see that there is but ONE  force, not forces,
there is no plural, just singular. Confusion grows out of looking for the many, and thereby
creating a fog that obscures the reality of the One energy.
How many forms of life are there in this physical universe?  A seemingly impossible
question to answer, but it is not? With this blogs basic premise, I know exactly how many
there are, the answer is ONE. Which is qualified like this; One form of life within the physical
universe, expressed in a infinite number of ways. Absolute simplicity leads to understanding
and comprehension of Wholeness, rather than imagining fragmented pieces of a fictional
assortment of "things" There is no plurality in reality! Only the singular.
Mirror imaging each reflecting of the other, we see ourselves in others? Do we really? I
maintain that in reality there is but ONE being on this planet, call it human being if you
will, that one being is "reflected" as representing male/YING female /YANG ,the primal
vortexes of the creational intent..
One human being masquerading as many millions, an illusion of astonishing proportions
and one that is entrenched  in our psyche, that many reading this will simply dismiss
it as a load of non-sense, and completely ridicules, I did so myself, for a long time.
However when I looked deeper into the "appearance" of the many, I discovered like
"many" before me that this was an illusion ,albeit  a very real looking and breathing
illusion. The "many" are an image of relative existence, and have no reality within
the Absolute. Do not panic though, you have many more lifetimes to experience
so be happy, most folk are as happy as "they" make up "their mind to be!
warmest regards Michael.

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