Friday 24 March 2017

Final Analysis.

In this blog I would to present what I would call the final analysis of expression and
in-form-ation, I am suggesting that we and all that is manifest within the universe are
the result of crystallization of thought. Thought made manifest, crystallized into form
by " Intention and "Will, an idea becomes in-formed (formed from within) emerges into
"physical reality, the intangible becomes tangible. All "Ideas of the Absolute become
immutable universal laws once crystallized, when we are able to gaze very deeply into
form we will eventually "see the idea behind the presenting form!
What this suggests is that we are indelibly linked to and part of the whole, each of us
is connected and interconnected with the "Whole Idea" of manifested form-ation.
I believe that I shall see the day, and it is not too far away, when mainstream science
and physics, realize what has been known for centuries by some, that matter and energy
are all the out workings of thought, pure and simple! All the militant materialists will
have to be re-educated into the reality of form and how ideation and intent crystallize
into matter and energy.
On the periphery creeping slowly inwards is the idea that thought lies at the back of matter
many scientists already have this notion, so to a few physicists, there numbers are steadily
growing, soon those militant materialists will find them selves surrounded by their
alleged colleagues, who will be calling a very different tune indeed. They will find that
their tired and worn out clap trap, will be resigned to the dustbin, for recycling into
something useful for once.
De-formation, to unravel the appearance of form, and see what is its matrix, in the final
analysis, as I am attempting to illustrate here, there will be found "an idea" a motion of
will-full-intent, micro-encapsulated within the existing form, steeped down from its "high
estate" by will-full-intent ,matter  is formed, and condenses, congeals, made to become
semi-solid  by cooling ? lowering, the result is the condensing of matter form at its
lowest state ,at its highest it is thought, matter and all universal form are the direct result
of this crystallization process.
warmest regards Michael.


  1. today off to puttaparth-sai baba plce.regards

  2. Bless you my dear brother, your comments are like gold
    to me. peace be within you.
