Wednesday 22 March 2017

Mission Impossible!

We can cheat, lie, and bribe our way out of getting arrested and punished by the laws of man.
Many have got away with murder and other horrific crimes, simply because they had lots of
cash, and could  afford a brilliant "word smith" whose bull**** would baffle the brains of
most ,and  in so doing, pervert the course of "justice".
However there is one law that is absolutely impossible to evade its effects, and that is natural
universal law, now there are quite a few of these, and it would take several blogs to mention
them, so I am only going to mention the one that most of us are familiar with, that of cause
and Effect also known by its other name that of Karma.
Here I would like to mention something that I feel is of paramount importance, and that
is, that we are "punished" BY what we do, and NOT for what we do, there is a great difference.
The word Punished is a very misunderstood word, and it implies that there is a Punisher usually
seen as (GOD) who will crush us underfoot if we dare break one of his laws. This idea is a relic
of olden times, when mankind was illiterate and chock full of superstitious nonsense, now
we are more aware, and have the services of the internet.
We all need an "update" on what natural law actually does, and to understand that the
law is an "director of energies, albeit negative or positive, we are the ones that direct it?
The natural laws are perfection, and it is absolutely impossible to be immune from its
effects, there is NO being who punishes us ,we  do the "punishing to ourselves by our
actions, in thought, word, and deed, there is no greater judge of man, than man himself!
The Absolute, or God, has never "punished any being in this universe ever! There would
be absolutely no need for such a thing, because if we cause harm, or misery to our brothers
or sisters, we at the same time inflict ourselves with this action, Karma makes very sure
we pay for all our hurts to others to the last penny is paid. We are here to gain experience
and learn from that experience about how to align ourselves to the universe, so that we
are in harmony with it, and in so doing we feel the effect of this by our consciousness
being more aware ,joy  and happiness become our regular companions, and love is born in
our hearts. We establish contact with our soul, the monitor within, which is also your conscience
and then you realize that you are locked into this vast ocean of life, that you are safe, and secure
you in effect are the embodiment of all the laws ! All we have to do now, is the shape up, before 
we ship out?
warmest regards Michael.

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