Saturday 4 March 2017

Do You Believe In Life After Birth ?.

As with an iceberg which is ninety per cent submerged and only ten per cent visible, we as human beings replicate this phenomena as well, which seems to indicate that we are only ten per cent conscious of our full potential, and that a massive amount of energy (living expression) lies hidden from us all.
I was sitting in a sĂ©ance many years ago and was contacted by a man who was a clergyman  vicar in
his previous life and among other things he said was that "he was never More alive then when he was dead"!! He also talked about how he understood reality as completely different as he once saw it on earth ,and saw that all life was interconnected and as one. He further mentioned that shortly after he arrived in his new abode after death, that he was taken by a friendly soul to what seemed like a huge
place where there were a great many souls lying there all asleep! He asked the  helper, why are all these souls asleep and not awake like you and me? The reply startled him, the helper said they are all asleep awaiting Gabriel's horn to stir them from their slumber!
We are alive yes but only exhibiting a minute percentage of our full potential, there is also another aspect of this idea to consider and that is our dimensional expression while here on earth.
We are very basically three dimensional beings expressed within our consciousness as that of
physical ,mental, and spiritual beings ,however  some of us have not yet awakened the spiritual
dimension of our being and are therefore expressing only two dimensions, that of physical and
mental, so they are actually living in just two dimensions. many of us are only two dimensional
beings, and it is possible to reason that there may be just one dimensional beings alive this day
that of just being a physical being, the other faculties as yet unborn and un awakened.
We can actually become re-born again while here on earth and open up a greater level of our
potential and express a greater level of consciousness and perception, usually this occurs at the end
of a major crisis in our lives ,it  certainly was the case in my life ,becoming re-born is simply to
go within your inner self ,take  up something like  yoga or meditation and by doing this you will
eventually make contact with that higher self the soul that lies deep within you, and when that happens there will be an expansion of consciousness and awareness and you will have been re-born
into a new life and a fresh understanding ,and  all that without having to enter the womb twice!!
warmest regards Michael.

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