Wednesday 8 March 2017

Mobius Strip Singularities Last Dance Part 3.

Mobius oh Mobius, where  art thou Mobius? Is this a vain cry I wonder? We are born, and we die, with a bit in the middle called life ,how  often do we consider how we arrived here and how we leave here? Perhaps it is not necessary to think about this ,and  many of us do not, I  have always been
profoundly interested in this mode of  entry and exiting the physical plane. That's why I am writing this blog. Mobius is really a vortex that connects one plane of existence to another, a downward
left-handed  spiral in the shape of an S for birth and a upward right-handed spiral for death,(centrifugal and centripetal) the singularity that is the connection point between these two planes
of existence is anchored throughout the physical lifetime within the crown chakra. This "point"
is akin to the one postulated at the lowest spiral point of a black hole, where the laws of man's
idea of science breaks down, and the laws of physics seems unable to grasp, and propose a
possible link to another dimension or even an anti matter universe? When we die we enter another
dimension the astral plane, this is where dear old Mobius comes into play, as when we are ready for
rebirth into this dense physical plane, and we have agreed the parents we need to further our goal
of unfoldment from ignorance to knowledge and beyond, we  then "fall" into a deep sleep and we
"die" on the astral plane ,and  our reborn on the earth plane. The "ferryman" or vortex that enables
this lawful descent and ascent into matter and out is of course Mobius, "all  is under law" is an
occult axiom ,all  is intelligence, cooperation and selfless service are the hallmarks of Absolute
Ideation, earth, air ,fire ,and  water are all intelligent  points of energy, that work with the
unfolding principle(us) and loan us the elements we need to express our being in this dense
physical plane. They provide the vehicle for the expression to occur.
Behind Mobius is a principle of cooperation the ancients knew of, the "ferryman" was their way
telling it in storyteller language, such as I have  been attempting to do here, to lighten up
such a profound and deep thing, whether  I have failed or not remains to be seen!
with warmest regards Michael.

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