Thursday 2 March 2017

By Acting In Our Reality We Thereby Enter Into Causality.

In modern day computer language we are used to the idea of needing "updates" without these important updates we are told that we may very well be  open to attack and become "affected" by
an incoming virus.
Well I am inclined to consider that we all need a very important update regarding our perceptions of
what is real and what is facadial  nonsense  .We  have been told for ages past that we are judged by a
superior being called God, and that we will all be punished for our sins ,this  is utter nonsense and
is a fairy tale spun "very skilfully" by those religious teachers who had the gall and audacity to think
very arrogantly that they spoke for this absolute being. What we are actually governed by is universal
natural law ,which  is in operation throughout the infinite universe and not affecting just us here on earth. What we are effected by is the universal law of cause and effect or as some would call the law
of Karma, There is no such thing as punishment in realty ,this  is a childlike myth that needs to be updated, the other myth is that we are punished for what we do, this too is absolutely incorrect we
are in truth effected  "by what we do "and  not for what we do, there is a huge difference.
The other myth that badly needs updating is the one of "judgement" that we are judged by this higher power called God ,this  too is absolutely incorrect, man  ALONE judges man, we are our own judge and jury and executioner, anybody reading this who has suffered and been weighed down with guilt ,will  identify with this experience, many thousands if not millions have taken their own lives
as they were weighed down with guilt and remorse over their past actions ,they  judged them selves and there is NO better judge of man than man himself/or herself.
We all have our own inbuilt monitor and that is called the higher self, or soul ,the  soul which remember is WHO you really are is the one that balances our actions and reactions ,and  as we are
all aligned to universal natural law we are affected by it every day whether we know it or not, believe it or not,accept it or not, it is what it is, if we align ourselves to it, become aware of what that actually means, which basically is being kind and considering others, giving out love rather than hatred and so on,if we harmonise ourselves to natural law ,we  grow and expand in consciousness and awareness and so stop acquiring negative Karma and balancing ourselves in joyful living.
warmest regards Michael.

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