Monday 13 March 2017

E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-E- Unfolding The Hidden Jewel.

E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-E- Empty-Mind-Enters-Realm-Gaining-Energy-Now-Consciousness-
Expands, = Emergence. The awakening of the consciousness is the very purpose of life. It is
for this cause that every prophet, avatar, angel, Buddha, master or whatever you call them
ever appeared to humanity. From their lips emerged all of the world's religions, and all with
the purpose of  indicating to those who sleep (such as you and me) that we need to awaken!
We, as with all else within this universe, are within an unfolding arc of evolutionary expansion
we are all "folded up" very tightly exactly as a flower is before it reaches its peak and the
warmth of the sun causes it to "burst open". We too replicate that unfolding sequence of the
flower and differ in only in that "our" sun is within and is called the soul or higher self. The flower's sun is overhead and without.
Emergence is in the recognition and understanding of our "true" nature and feeling that inner
yearning for unity and wholeness. So many of us today are "hole" people, there is a emptiness
within, and a hunger to fill it, often by addictions to drug, food, alcohol, gambling, and many
other negative habits. We all have an unquenchable thirst for  "W"holeness and not hole-ness.
At the back of all expressions within this universe (us included) is an irresistible force that
is the "Intention" of the creator of the evolutionary arc. The force is a pressure that cannot be
resisted, (that's how a mushroom can lift  a paving stone thousands of times heavier that it).
Our everyday experiences are part of this pressure and soon or later, within this life time or
another, the pressures of your experiences will lead you to look within yourself to find that
treasure that lies deep within you.
Because we are expressed through seven bodies of expression, the wholeness and full
integrity of our true self becomes diffused and somewhat "watered down" and by the time
it emerges here on this dank and dismal vale of tears, (as it is sometimes called) we have
all but forgotten our true light and self. What awaits us as we re-ascend the sheaths that clothe
us is  "radiant splendour", the light of our true being, the soul. That is what we all truly ARE
and will emerge into when we throw open the inner door of our hearts and mind and finally
claim that hidden "Jewel" that verily lies within us all.
with thoughts of wonder regards Michael.

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