Sunday 26 March 2017

TORQUE TO ME ? L-I-F-E- Part 2.

Torque, a force that tends to cause rotation, "a turning and twisting force" what has this to do with
me, you may well ask. We all have a resistance to the "life force"( soul, or spirit) because our focus
and gaze are grossly misaligned and leading us all into oblivion and addictive behaviour,resulting
in a gaping "HOLE" within our psyche, which portrays itself as an insatiable voracious appetite
to "consume" whatever is your poison, whether it be drugs, alcohol, porn, food, vanity, pride,
(mostly false pride) affection, the list is endless. Millions every year die because of this hunger
now this hunger is not the one that affects millions say in Africa, due to a famine, although that
is a great travesty as we in the west have more than enough to feed them all, but most often a
blind eye it turned to those poor suffering souls, the hunger that I am talking about is the one
that destroys far more souls than any famine could do, literally millions die each year because
of a gaping HOLE within them ,that  they cannot ever fill, and is the root cause of most if not
all of the misery that abounds on this planet.
We ARE literally and factually being eaten alive by our gluttonous fascination and irresistible
magnetic attraction to always looking "OUTWARD for the answer, rather than looking
within. Our outward constant gaze forms a magnetic vortex that is sucking the life energy
out of you, draining you out of any vitality and healthy energy, the torque is vectored in
an away from source mode, resulting in a draining of the life energy ,and  if left unchecked
will terminate you from the body. By looking within, and fixing our gaze in that direction
we alter the "spin" of the torque vortex, and it then flows life ward and becomes a vector of
positive energy rather than one of negative energy is was before we changed the flow.
We all need to WAKE UP, and realize who and what YOU are ,how  many of you reading
this little old blog, really know, and understand what you are! We are primary Spirit, and
secondary human, we are spirit with physical bodies (a garment to clothe the inner energy)
we are here to gain experience, and learn who we really are. this what you are reading my
friends is NOT a theory, a belief, it is the way IT actually IS, and has been for billions
of Earth years. You do not have to take my word for it, most of you will not anyway, but
find out yourself ,by  going within you, and asking your conscience, that inner monitor within
you, that still small voice ,that  we all have access to, ask yourself the question, who am I really?
If you are patient and sincere, the answer will flow back to you, and then you will know for sure
beyond a shadow of a doubt, that YOU are an immortal soul and that love is your signature.
warmest regards Michael.

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