Wednesday 15 March 2017

Integral Updates Of Self.

Many years ago when I got my first computer, (which ran of gas!) Just a joke! I was inundated
with messages telling me that my computer needed updating, or I might get infected by a
super bug!  I got fed up with this constant badgering by the update merchants. Little did I
realize or comprehend that I too was in real need of updating.
The word Integral means according to the "Oxford living dictionaries" necessary to make "whole"
complete essential ,and  fundamental.
How can we make ourselves whole? To answer that question we really need to know who we
really are, and how many of us can really say in an honest and authentic way that we KNOW
ourselves? What do we actually know beyond our name and number? Do we know where we
came from, do we know where we are going, what happens to you when "you "die?
For most of my early life I was much like a "cardboard cut out" empty and hollow
unauthentic, and just going "through the motions" of existing, and running on empty.
Then I was introduced to meditation that was in 1974 and have been involved in its
practice ever since. What I have discovered is that we all need updates and orientation
towards becoming "whole" and "complete" the realization that hit me like a
sledgehammer was that I was fragmented and misaligned with natural law, and thereby
hurting my chances of becoming free and boundless from the confines of my own
stupidity and ignorance. By going within and practicing meditation and yoga we
begin to make the connections that are fundamentally essential if we are to enjoy
life to the full, and have peace of mind and joy in our hearts. By going within and
hearing that still small voice "that dwells within you" your higher self the soul you
then begin to access and penetrate deeper into consciousness and in so doing there
occurs the sequence of downloading universal knowledge into your mind and awareness
you then begin to "see AND Know" and what's more you will Know that you Know who
you really are ,because  you will experience it personally the truth of your being will be
vouchsafed and etched upon your heart!
Let us all welcome the updates in our lives, and may we all be truly authentic and act with
integrity in our dealings with each other.
warmest regards Michael.

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