Friday 17 March 2017

Consciousness Crowned Primal.

Religion is what we made. Spirituality is what we ARE! The jewel in the crown of
consciousness is the living light that it contains, that which will illumine our pathways
on this voyage of self discovery. Consciousness, mindfulness, mind, all words we are
familiar with, but I would venture to suggest that some words have more to them, if we
look closely, I have studied words for a long time, and have learnt much from peering
into what is" hidden in plain sight" an occult and esoteric phrase, that  means so very
much, if we have but eyes to see? The word  M-I-N-D- is short for, manifesting -inner
natural-divinity= mind, all energy, matter, form, living-life, outwardly is seen as energy,
force, power, but inwardly it is divinity expressed.
Quote from Henry Strapp Physicist, "The quantum level of the matter presents a stake of
all possibilities. It is a harmonious stake within an indivisible whole ,but  this cannot be
observed , because we always see one possibility" unquote. The Yogis name this stake
Turya and describe it as a state of consciousness in which the object, the subject and the
act  of knowing are no longer separated but are unified in a transcendence of the subjective
and the objective. A paradox presents itself to the one who begins narrowing down things
to be left with Thing-consciousness, the paradox is that the less you have to work with
the more you will know? Less =more in this case!  As consciousness rises to the surface
and is seen to be one of the same as energy, then giant leaps will be made in the basic
fundamental understanding of universal expression, and how "form" is really "ideas"
given shape to perform a task, that what we actually see are "in-formed ideas"
consciousness flowing along and unfolding the sequence of intention, when we
reduce all to thing, and  energies to energy, then that which remained hidden will
become exposed, it will then be pretty obvious that consciousness  is the THING
in itself ,and  that "every" has been discarded as the illusion it truly is!
Science is gradually coming round to the idea that all is mind,  the ancients
knew this 10,000 years ago (they are very slow to learn) Consciousness, Alpha
and Omega =consciousness. This "idea" is so simple that a child could understand
it, reality is expressed in  complete simplicity, all is mind ,and  mind is consciousness
and consciousness is all there is! Consciousness is LIFE and LIFE is absolute.
warmest regards Micharl.

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