Monday 6 March 2017

We Are The Products Of Our Experiences.

We each in our individual lives have a multitude of experiences most pass us by  completely
unnoticed and a few impact upon on us to such an extent that they actually change the very course
of our lives thereafter, I would like to now mention one such experience that indeed changed  my life
forever and set me on a pathway of discovering who I truly was.
This one particular experience was actually a follow on from the one I mentioned in a previous blog
where I was so much overwhelmed by the sickness that engulfed me and the fear and terror that came with that sickness that I decided to commit suicide and jump of a bridge and drown myself, when as
I made ready to  jump ,a   voice spoke gently to me and said, this intended action will not solve your problem Michael, and it explained why, that all I would do is exit the physical body and find myself
still alive in my astral body! So I climbed down and went home. Well a few weeks later still very
much in a poor state but had stopped imbibing the poison that almost destroyed me, I had  started
having a quiet time each day to try and find some sense to my life, and why had I allowed myself
to get into such a miserable god forsaken state?  It was at this point that I found myself asking
myself the question why did I become an addict to alcohol and become a full blown alcoholic?
At that very moment, an inner voice the very same one that had spoken to me on the bridge when
I tried to end it all, said "do you really want to know, Michael?" I found myself saying yes of course
I do ,the voice said again, do you really want to know the reason? I again said yes, the inner voice
then said "Michael once you know the reason ,it  will be with you forever and once known it is then
vouchsafed  and cannot ever be undone!" I said that I accept that, can you now please tell me why
I became an hopeless alcoholic, the voice than said very matter of factually that I had chosen to
be this way, it was my decision! With that I felt upset and rather angry, and said "who in their right
mind would chose to live like this for fifteen years and suffer so much pain as well" You did
Michael said the voice, and you did it with full understanding of what it entailed ,I  then was shown
a scene in my mind of being sat around a sort of table with some friends and discussing my next
incarnation upon the earth ,and became aware of me saying that I need this type of experience to
enable me to grow spiritually and see the need to release selfishness and learn to give rather than take
all the time. That particular experience happened well over forty years ago now ,but  is still fresh in my mind, I have had many other profound experiences that I will share in other blogs.
warmest regards Michael.

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