Friday 10 March 2017


Are we not the sum total of our experiences up to this point in time? What has shaped us, honed
us into the person we now are? For me the experiences I have encountered since I began a recovery
from an incurable illness (alcoholism, which the World Health Organisation has recognised as an illness since 1960), have remarkably changed my life. We each have within us  a monitor, the voice of our conscience, which is our soul whispering into our physical brain (which is basically a biological computer).

 About two years after I had began my recovery, I  began to feel very unsatisfied with my job with good old British Rail, and had a strong urge to work with others who had the same problems as I had. A year before this a good friend and counsellor told me that when the time was right, you will find the right job.

My first very intense experience of the inner soul whisperings began on a evening in 1976. I
was about to go indoors after being out with friends, and just as I was about to turn the key and go in,
 a clear and unmistakable voice said to me "go round now and see Eddie". Eddie was a close friend of mine. I was a bit startled by this, and said to this voice, 'no! It is late.' The voice said again
"go now and see Eddie". This time I felt a pressure on my chest and it was becoming difficult
to breathe. I tried again to ignore this prompting but the pressure got more intense.With
that I pulled the key out of the door and made my way to Eddies home and at  that precise moment
the pressure vanished as though it had never been. I rang Eddie's doorbell and when he answered he
said to me that he had just been thinking about me. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled
out a piece of paper and handed it to me. The paper was about a job going in a hostel for
alcoholics in the town I was then living in! I was amazed by this and thanked that inner voice
and my friend Eddie. The  next day I went to the probation office where the advert for the job had come from and I asked to see the man who was mentioned. He came out of his office and said, "can I help you?" I said that I was here about the job advertised. He said, "I am afraid you are too late. That job was advertised two weeks ago, and,  as matter of fact I am off now to do the interviews for it. Sorry."
I felt stunned and wondered what was happening. He went to walk off and immediately the voice
returned and said," call  him back." I called out and said "I really want this job!" He looked at me and said "sorry you are far too late", and  turned to walk away. Again the voice said, "call him back again!"I felt really anxious and confused about it all, and called out again, "I really want this job, and I am right for it!" He looked at me very intensely then said, "I  am going now. You go and write down why you should have this job and  have it here by lunchtime today.  I will show it to the panel at the interview. I did that, and heard nothing for two weeks. Then  a letter arrived asking me to attend an interview for the job. I got the job, and  went on to a career in working with others like me for over twenty five years. Without  that inner soul whispering I would have missed the greatest experiences of my life.
warmest regards Michael

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