Monday 27 March 2017

Points Of View For The Soul.

We are multi-dimensional beings stretching into the highest levels of consciousness, the human
soul flows downwards through ever decreasing vibrational planes of existence, like a stream
cascading down the mountain from the Source.
The stream of our soul interacts with the dimensions at various consciousness exchange "points"
(known as chakras) where "unity consciousness" as it flows into "separation consciousness"
as the bodily vehicle. The overriding purpose is to initiate divine acts of creativity-right action
and right thinking, by which to experience who we really are!
The human body is an encasement vehicle for the soul to use and gain experience upon this
Earth plane of expression.
Much like an iceberg that is ninety per cent submerged, and just ten per cent visible, we in
some ways fall even short of that percentage, for it has been written that man is ninety seven
per cent asleep! And that we are only using three per cent of our consciousness! That reminds
me of a story I heard years ago, and then could not understand it, the story is that of an Angel
soaring over a large city, and looking below says "Behold the city of the dead" I can now
understand that story.
We are "points" the "viewer" is the soul, our bodies are just points, encasements, vehicles, so
that the soul can find purchase and have the anchor of gravity in order for it to experience the
experiences of being separate and apart from unity, to feel the mighty emotions of fear and
alone-ness, to experience the darkness of ignorance, to feel the dark night of the soul
and feeling abandonment, then to feel the warmth of a caring soul toward you, a welling
up of emotion, a doorway opens up in your heart, the tears of pain and torment leave you
and instead you feel a glimmer of light in your darkened mind.
You feet are now upon the road of awakening to whom you really are, awareness and
perception grow, and with this is comes the realization that this form (physical body) is
just a vehicle encasement for the REAL you to express itself here on Earth.
warmest regards Michael.
email Btw,I have a page called soul realization on Facebook,and
would like to hear from anyone reading this,thanks

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