Thursday 23 March 2017

Legion Of The Lost Ones.

Carl Gustav Jung, world renowned psychiatrist and author of many books on the mental health
on mankind said once, that in his opinion alcoholism "was displayed as a low level thirst for
God". I really identified with this, as I had an unquenchable thirst for alcohol that led me
through the gates of hell and beyond. Given only three months to live, and with unbearable
pain and mental torment, I asked for help and fell to my knees in utter despair. That was over
forty three years ago, and now my life is full, peaceful and content. In all these years I
have been studying and helping others to find themselves. In so doing I have discovered
some very interesting aspects on human behaviour. I firmly believe that Carl Jung could
also have included all the other addictions that plague this planet like drugs, gambling
over and under eating, obesity which is an epidemic here in the west, addiction to wanting fame
at any price, the porn which has grown since the internet and has millions  addicted to it.
Children are now taking indecent photos of themselves and posting it online and then being bullied
by peers, leading to suicide at times. Millions of lost souls who are empty inside and
try to fill this inner gaping hole with their addiction of choice. The very root of all these
soul-less and empty lives, lies in the way we are aligned to reality, or rather misaligned to
it. Millions of lost ones are only existing on two dimensions, that  of being just physical
and mental. The third aspect of functioning humanity is missing, that  of the spiritual
dimension. It is the absence of THIS ASPECT which causes the emptiness within. Our inner spiritual
being acts like a beacon and pulses throughout our expression trying (and often in vain)
to call us to look within and find our true nature that lies there awaiting for us to wake
up and open that inner door to freedom and inner joy.
Most often it is only in crisis that we are forced to think about what is the matter our lives. Then change can occur. We each are SOULS with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls
and it is our inner monitor, the  conscience, which is our higher self, the soul. The Hole that
exists within us  causes us the addictions that wipe out millions every year. That emptiness
is the lack of connection to our inner self, the soul. Our spiritual awareness and consciousness is
asleep, and needs waking UP! Usually it is a major crisis that does the waking up.
I would like to share one more thing before closing this blog  as I feel it is important. The inner
soul, or higher self is NOT a theory or some vain idea of giving false hope to a lost soul, it is
an absolute fact, a  fundamental reality of human existence on Earth. I have personally experienced
this reality over the past forty years of contented sobriety and so have thousands of my friends
who I have met over those years. For any lost soul out there reading this little old blog, I  beg of you
to look within, ask for help for your immediate needs, then begin the journey within that will bring
you peace and joy. Bless you all on your journey.
with warmest regards Michael.

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