Wednesday 1 March 2017


A faded façade of humanity is often shown and the media seems to almost gloat at the failing of others ,especially if they are famous and lead a glamorous life style, how they love to tear them down
and we in turn can maybe often say "they deserve it" who do they think they are! We can be envious
Of those who are obscenely rich and flash all their bling and shiny jewels.
But how many of us know or even realize that we each have a radiant jewel within us, and it lies
hidden within us right by our hearts. This  wondrous jewel is invisible to the physical eye, it is a
jewel of etheric energy anchored within our heart chakra and also the crown chakra,(if you have heart
surgery ,it  cannot be stolen by the operational surgeon!!) This living radiant divine jewel is within
all of mankind regardless of whether they have a religion or not, believe or not, it matters not if they are ardent atheists or undecided agnostics ,it  matters not one jot, accept it, or reject it ,all  of this is
utterly irrelevant as this process is operating through natural universal law ,it  would be like saying
that you do not accept gravity or the orbiting law of planets around a central star (sun).
We are all living jewels but sadly so many of us are completely unaware of this universal fact of
divinity being expressed in human form, we do not know who we truly are, and that very fact is the root cause of all the sickness and treachery that abounds on this once pristine planet, mans ignorance
of his/her true identity where ignorance reins supreme is why we are in this sickened mess.
If we truly knew and understood our real nature ,and  saw that we are all really brothers and sisters of the one divine universal family, what do you think would happen ?Would you rob and kill your mother or father? I discovered long ago that we each are a living jewel, a diamond soul and that it
is perfectly possibly to make conscious contact with your higher self soul ,many  of you reading this will already have had the experience of hearing that "still small voice within you" that voice is your soul calling out to you and helping you through a crisis ,most  often these contacts are spasmodic and a long time can pass in between contacts. But this can change if you decide to look within ,"the  only way out is in" take  up the regular practice of meditation or yoga ,keep  doing this daily, starting at first with just five or ten minutes and with time you will extend the time and grow nearer to contacting that inner guru your higher self the soul, when you have done that, you will discover
this reality and your consciousness and perception will expand and become more inclusive.
My hope is that this little old blog can be a signpost along the way of awakening the inner being.
with warmest regards Michael

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