Tuesday 28 March 2017

When Snowy Appeared Hope Was Born.

On the first of January 1982, Myself and several others were sat having our breakfast in the
kitchen of a big old rambling farm house in the countryside, ironically as it will soon appear
as I write more, the house was once owned by a member of the Guinness family, who for those
who may not have heard of this name, Guinness was a stout, an alcoholic drink, and the family
were brewers of this drink. I worked and lived in this place, and was the manager of it, the
house was a hostel for up to fourteen men/ women, although mostly men. The residents who
came to live there were all alcoholics, and many had come from jail to stay here and recover
and endeavour while there to learn how to live, without the need of  alcohol. The house was a
dry house, and anyone who drank there was asked to leave by me.
Now having explained the basic layout, back to the appearance of Snowy, Snowy was a pure
white dove that on that morning in January 1982  fluttered down from the sky and landed
at our kitchen window, and looked in the window at all of us sat there amazed by this.
Myself and a couple of the others went out to see this pure white bird, it seemed so tame
unafraid of us, I looked  for any rings or bands on its leg, but there were none, I thought
that it may have got lost, but we were never to know that. Can we keep It, said one of the
residents, I found myself saying yes of course why not! We had lots of space there over
three acres of land, and two huge gardens, one of which had a green house in, which
I thought would be an ideal home for Snowy, as he was soon to be known. Many of the
men there were quiet distressed emotionally and mentally, and found it very difficult to
trust anyone, however I noticed early on in my time there, that we had a collie dog who
was named Nellie, and she was loved by all the  men, and it would lead at times to tempers
flaring as to who was going to take Nellie for a walk! The men felt "safe" with the dog,
and so to it became very apparent  that Snowy was having the same effect on the men.
Snowy was to become very much like an "angel "who  descended from on high, disguised
as a pure white dove, snowy would sit on the shoulders of the men and sometimes pull
their ears with his beak .One  man in particular had a special relationship with snowy
and the friendship he felt with this bird awakened within him a spiritual dimension that
had been completely dead within him before ,he  looked on snowy as a direct message from
the Great Spirit of the universe ,his  experiences with that "bird of hope" led him to
completely change his life, and remain well and sober for over thirty years and died sober
last year. Many other of the residents there were also helped by snowy, they would sit in the
garden and snowy would perch on their feet and both would look at one another ,eye  to eye
contact, and often I would hear one of the guys talking very gently to snowy, who would
cock his head side ways, as though he was listening very intently! One last thing I will
mention about this beautiful feathered friend we all called snowy ,we  also had a wild cat
that stalked the grounds,  that never came into the house ,we  left food on the window ledge
for it, but it often would catch and eat wild birds as well, the strangest thing I saw was that
shortly after snowy appeared and was made a home in the green house ,a  bed of straw and some
corn, well this morning I went into the green house ,and  low and behold, the wild cat and snowy
were both cuddled up together sound asleep!!!
with warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com
btw,if anyone wants to ask or say anything I have a page on facebook called Soul realization.

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