Tuesday 21 March 2017

Religions Of The World Exoteric And Esoteric.

Looking at five major religions, that of, Jewish, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism,  and Buddhism.
First that of the Jewish, I came across the writings of professor Gershom Scholem, who writes
about Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, Esoteric teachings.
Islam, Sufism, Esoteric interpretations of the Quran, (Batin) inner meaning, exoteric Islam
= Submission to ALLAH, esoteric SUFI and DRUZE focus on union with ALLAH.
Christianity, Jesus taught exoterically to the general public, at a basic level they would
understand, HE taught his disciples esoterically, much more deeply, to look within
the Father within is closer than your hands and feet!, Plus also teaching about reincarnation.
There is so much more about this ,if  you are interested look up esoteric Christianity on
Hinduism ,just  want to say here look up "The Inner Teaching of Hinduism by master
Choa Kok Sui.
Buddhism, again I have only to add, The Inner Teachings Buddhism, by master Choa Kok
I have a profound respect for all religions, and have friends from all, however I feel that
there is a real need to update all of us to the hidden teachings of all the worlds religions
as when you look at the inner teachings of all of them, as I have over the past forty years
you will find remarkable similarities between them all, basically the message of them all
is love, honour, and respect your brothers and sisters, accept  total responsibility for all
your actions , be honest and true to all, that life continues after death, and that we all have
an immortal soul, a Divine monitor that is our conscience.
The outer teachings seem to teach, exoteric, that we need to obey GOD/ALLAH,which
can and often does breed fear, the inner teachings, Esoteric teach union with GOD/ALLAH
often  by the practice of meditation.
A hundred years ago or so 99% of the world were illiterate, and only those who were monks
or religious leaders could read ,so  we then had little choice, things have now changed dramatically
and we have the internet ,and  ask Google! If you are happy and content with your faith now,then
ignore all what you have read here,and carry on as before,bless you for reading this far.
If however you feel lost and alone,and are empty inside,then I suggest you look into one of these
five religions ,or  just take up meditation and find that light that is within you,and you empty
feelings will vanish like the mist before the rising sun. May you all find,that peace and inner light
that resides within us all.
with warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

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