Friday 2 April 2021


 What is actually AMISS is our worlds understanding of that universal force of motion. 

Motion and the complete understanding of its purpose is the secret of all knowledge  and

wisdom. The very root of understanding motion, begins with the PRIMORDIAL FIRST

CAUSE, which was the INTENTION within  the INFINITE MIND of the ABSOLUTE


This intention was the primal cause that manifested MOTION from MOTIONLESSNESS

This primal intention was to become the relative duality based universe that we all know today.

All universal motion is the hallmark signature of the SOURCE of all being. Perpetual motion

exists everywhere in this universe, and all this motion has a purpose. Motion is the perpetual

conveyor belt that drives and moves all energy along a progressive pathway which we all call

that of evolution. 

The word expression which in this sense means moving within an evolutionary system, which

further translates when looked into deeper, as that  of "all motion becoming" and the ultimate

becoming is in the full and total recognition that you indeed are the SOURCE of all LIFE

and expression.

We as this thing called humanity, are all ready a long way into this evolutionary journey, we

each have arrived at a most noticeable period within our evolution journey where we are all

self conscious, and self aware we have our "I" AM self consciousness,  I AM , we are all 

nearing the point, and many already have made that final connection with the SOURCE.

To become fully aware of your true identity is the reveal to your astonished self that in fact

you are the SOURCE . now awakening within yourself and claiming you divine heritage.

When we make this final connection, it becomes very clear in fact crystal clear as to who we

really are, which is the SOURCE of ALL THINGS.

It all began with an INTENTION made countless billions of years ago, in a now long

forgotten by us all. We were stirred from our perpetual bliss state of pure motionlessness

into what was to become a maelstrom of perpetual motion, where we would be carried 

along and through this infinite space, and begin the very very slow process of becoming.

We as human beings have long been acquainted with motion, now we are all on the path

that will eventually lead us all back to stillness and perfect bliss.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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