Monday 19 April 2021


 All of us will each experience Eventually the 'Dweller on the Threshold' the threshold is that of 

expanding consciousness and awareness that begins opening up when we have made some

progress into our real inner nature. The Dweller is the sum total of all the personality 

characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued and which must be finally

overcome before initiation can be taken in a higher realization of our Divine immortal heritage.

We need be mindful that we have all lived many lifetimes here on Earth, and have also 

accumulated both positive and negative karma. In certain lifetimes when we have made some

progress into fully understanding who and what we really are, the past unresolved issues rise

up to confront us.

If we accept these issues and take full responsibility for our actions without making any

excuses for our actions and behaviour or any justifications, we will integrate the 'dark shadow'

of our past deeds into a full and forgiving current  level  of awareness and integrity. 

For us to become fully whole or rather HOLY? We need to fully accept our own dark shadow

which dwelt in our past lives here on Earth.

When we can do that with a loving and fully accepting grace that is heartfelt and has the 

humility to see that we did many things that were unwise, and very selfish, but we are mindful

also that we were very ignorant as well.

Now we have grown up, and put away our toys and childish ways, we have become adults  and

now accept ourselves totally and fully  unreservedly.

We can now grow into higher levels of consciousness perception and awareness, and begin to

realise the inner truth of our immortal soul self identity.

The Dweller on the threshold of our lives means very basically as the name spelt out to read

the word DOTTED in the title of this blog today, the word DOTTED is how through our 

many life time experiences, we have all completed or have nearly completed joining up all

the DOTS and when we are therefore DOTTED! We know what we know, and therefore 

adjust ourselves accordingly.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. The dweller on the threshold of our life is the dark shadow of our past coming to our present consciousness and looking for acceptance and a loving welcome into unity with the inner light.
