Thursday 8 April 2021


 If we can but turn our gaze inward  we can then begin to look at and learn about the 

enormous value that can be gained by insight, seeing that which was hidden from our

view. Mankind has two basic aspects to his identity, that of the lower self, which every

human being is very familiar with, and also that of our higher self, which very few of us

know about, or in many cases never even heard of.

The lower familiar self, is basically a self made construct, that we each build beginning

at our birth, and is the result of memory and our interactions with parents and friends, that

gradually we construct this lower self, when we reach the age of around two years old the

ego is born within us, as we start using the familiar term "I" WANT this and that NOW! and

if I don't get it I will shout and scream! The ego is born aloft with the I WANT this and that 

then we develop our personality within this newly formed ego, by now we are identifying

our physical body as who we really are. Our sense of individuality manifests from within

this self constructed core of the lower self.

Tens of millions of us see this lower self as the only reality they know and understand, the

idea of any such a thing as a higher self, let alone a divine soul , does not seem to compute

within their level of conscious awareness.

No one in particular is to blame for this mass ignorance of self inner knowing, none of us

are taught anything about this natural reality of our being, our schools and other places

of leaning ,teach nothing of this most basic fundamental reality of our true immortal 

inner reality, that each one of us, is in truth an immortal soul which is often referred to

as the higher self.

When we make that most vital and important decision to turn our gaze inward, we then

embark upon a journey that will lead us into the discovery of our true and immortal identity.

We will tap into not only insightful messages and gleanings from our higher self, but we will

also begin to receive the faculty of intuition, we will tap into a bottomless well of intuition

and wisdom that will amaze and astound us.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you, then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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