Monday 12 April 2021


All life universally presented however divergent and different it may appear on the surface

will all eventually COALESCE into one COMPOSITE wholeness, which is the SOURCE

of all life everywhere universally.

We as this expression called humanity are all totally connected and interconnected with each

other, plus we are also fully connected with all other living expressions upon this planet and

also everywhere within this relative universe.

If we but could only see and further fully understand this intimate connectivity we all have 

with each other, we would then all fall to our knees in a shameful repose, at the way we treat

our fellow pilgrims upon the pathway of evolving ascension. We would then fully understand

and fully comprehend that if we ever cause hurt or harm to our fellow kin, we will also bring

the exact hurt and harm into our living experience, it might not impact you today, but by

Christ it will indeed impact upon you sooner or later.

This whole planet is connected within a vast infinite ocean of electromagnetic energy that 

impinges upon and also penetrates within every human soul within this planetary  field of

expression, there is not in truth ONE ATOM DISTANCE between any human being on 

this planet, the invisible electromagnetic waves of energy hold all 7.7 billion of us all within

its powerful magnetic embrace.

The nature of LIFE, which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, is to eternally

just BE, the nature of life is that of BEING ETERNALLY PRESENT. We as being within

what we call HUMANITY are all LIFE, so when we fully understand the PRINCIPLE of

LIFE, which is to be ETERNALLY PRESENT TO BE! We can then see the direct 

implication that arises within our minds eye, that as we are living, and therefore are LIFE

then it must also mean that we all too are eternal beings, therefore IMMORTAL SOULS. 

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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