Wednesday 28 April 2021


 Our universe is a curtain cloaking the Absolute with relativity,  which equates directly 

with that of motion, perpetual motion in fact. Our entire universe is surrounded by an 

Absolute void in which the SOURCE of all life fills with its Absolute Infinite Presence.

The VOID which contains this relative universe within its awesome Infinite Absolute 

BOSOM, is beyond our mortal comprehension, because it contains absolutely NO-THING!

No  light, no darkness, no matter, no energy, no motion, absolute motionlessness, Absolute

silence, absolute peace, and transcendent perpetual BLISS.

When and if we lift this curtain that is cloaking our vision of the infinite and Divine destiny

we will discover  our true immortal inner nature, this can be found lying deep within us all.

Becoming BOLD  in this context means taking HEAVEN by storm, Heaven is NOT A PLACE

that exists anywhere in reality, the word heaven actually means where divinity resides, it is

NOT a PLACE , rather it is a state of BEING , state of mind, inner peace and harmony, this

is what heaven actually is. Being Bold, means we do not timidly tap on the door for entrance

into Heaven, rather we BOLDLY smash the door down, and demand entrance into our

divine heritage, our inner home, that dwells within the soul within us.

By going within ourselves, we make the decision to boldly make contact with our higher self

which is your very own immortal divine soul. we do this by taking up the practice of 

meditation or yoga, and seeking contact with our higher self, this usually begins when we 

make and establish some inner contact with our intuitive faculties that reside within your

consciousness and awareness.

The infinite and absolute VOID is not a place far far away from where you now live, dear

reader of this blog, in fact the VOID  is no more than an ATOMS distance from you at any

given moment in this relative framework of time and space continuum.

We are all completely surrounded by the VOID submerged within it, and overlaid upon

this VOID is an atom thick film or cloak of MATERIAL which we call home, the relative

universe, we seem to experience this illusion of time and space, while further encapsulated

within a physical vehicle, we call humanity.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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