Tuesday 27 April 2021


 All life is occupying space by its presence within it, we are all personified out of space and

our all condensed into many forms and expressions.

Life occupies the wholeness of space, which acts as a backdrop that permits expressions 

within a relative duality based universe. What then is this SPACE in which we all occupy?

That is a good question! And one that I will attempt to answer here now. SPACE to me is a 

fluid a vibrant living fluid , which to me can actually be seen as the LIFE BLOOD of and

from the SOURCE of all LIFE. An infinite ocean of living fluid, in which we all live and move

and have our being within this fluid backdrop of space.

Our natural state which is SPIRIT (when all expression is stripped away, all that is left is SPIRIT

which of course means we are all SOURCE-BEING) which can been seen as that of a liquid

light, or intelligent energy which is our natural fluidic state.

We as a collective have all to become condensed in order to manifest as biological entities 

human beings. Our physical bodies are basically made out of congealed light, we all emerge

out of space which is infinite, and meld into a relative material physical body  which is

finite, and will fall away when we leave and move back into the astral plane, and thereby rot

away and return back to the four elements from which it came, which are , Earth, air, fire, and


We are "ALL" that of humanity all 7.7 billion of us, are all condensations and thereby relative

expressions of the infinite absolute SOURCE of all LIFE! We are all GOD being expressed

within a vehicle, and are all busy collecting experiences that will eventually reveal to you just

who and what each one of us actually is, our realization will be a three fold awakening 

sequence, which will out play as this sequence, the first realization will be that of the ego

and the personality, which will then include the illusion of your 'apparent' individuality, 

then the second awakening will arise as your intuition awakens and thereby reveals your 

indwelling self, which is your immortal soul, and the last realisation will be your full 

awakening into you seeing yourself as the SELF which equates with that of the SOURCE.

When that occurs, you will no longer be incarnated here on earth, you will then move onto

higher levels of BEING.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. In absolute truth the SOURCE OCCUPIES its SELF within its fluidic matrix which we all call that of space. The intangible SOURCE becomes relative and enters into expression and thereby puts on the mantle of tangibility and materiality. We as humanity express this very state.
