Monday 15 January 2018

Deception-Engages-Awareness-Truth-Held-Hostage. =D.E.A.T.H.

Change is the real meaning of the word "death"we all change bodies many times over many
physical incarnations here upon the Earth plane.
There is no need to fear death(change) it is a natural phenomena, which cycles us in and out of
incarnation,when we have gathered  enough experience for this trip!
What many of us fear is the "process of dying" will we feel pain?And will we suffer? The honest
answer to this question is "yes" you will feel pain at times, and this pain will cause you to suffer
but it will only be for a short while, and if you are in hospital, you will be given painkillers to make
your transition easier, many though will die (change) in their sleep, and not feel anything at all,
until they awaken in the Astral plane, very surprised by it all!
We all feel pain and suffer anguish at times,this is what life is about,experiencing these things,
and gaining understanding of what it all means.
It is only the process of dying that we really fear,once you have died (change) all fear is gone,you
are released from it, by then you have left your physical body, and now fully occupy your Astral body, the physical body is now just an empty vehicle (shell) and will decompose and return back
to the elements from whence it first came.
The question so many ask is this,what happens to me,when I die? The short  and correct answer
that you "continue living"in your astral body,and remain there until such time that is deemed right
for you to return here to Earth to gather more experience.
I said previously in the other blog on this thing of death, that sleep was also called by the wise elders
as "the first cousin of death" each night when we go to sleep, we "die" in the physical world, and are born, (wake up) in the astral world, here we visit our dear departed family and friends,visit many
places just by thinking about where to go, as soon as you think IT HAPPENS! If you want to fly,you
just take off and fly! Soar over mountains, visit other planets, anything you can think, you can experience while residing in the Astral.Then when morning comes, you wake up here (die in the astral) and are born again (wake up) in the physical plane again, where very soon after waking you will have completely forgotten all your adventures in the other plane.
While sleeping and visiting the astral worlds, which we all do every night, we are attached to a
"SILVER CHORD" this chord can stretch to unlimited length , anywhere in the universe if fact
it has infinite length, and we are ALWAYS firmly attached to it all of our lives,it is only when
we die(change) that this chord is SNAPPED, and once this happens, return to the physical body
is impossible.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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