Sunday 28 January 2018

As-Belonging-Intensified-Divinity-Envelops.=A.B.I.D.E. Part Two.

"We" are encapsulated within a shell, (the human body) and this body seems to have a mind of
its own? We call this mind the ego, and the ego which displays itself, as to what is commonly
called a "personality" we all seem to be personalities! And as personalities we fail to see our
inner connection with our real self the SOUL.
Because of this dis-connection, we abide within a "phantom", a ghost of projected energy, which
is in reality just a "spacesuit" for the indwelling soul.
We think that we are the "real deal"we think that we are human beings and therefore real. We
fail to see, because of our ignorance, the truth behind the "spacesuit" which is the physical body
its like identifying yourself by the overcoat you are wearing! You remove the coat (physical body)
and there stands the real YOU- the immortal soul.
All our inner longings are because we are separate from our higher self,(this feeling of separation
is in truth an illusion, albeit a seemingly very real one, in fact it is impossible to ever be separated
from our soul, it just FEELS that way) the  soul, it ABIDES within us,and we "know it not" and
because of this lack of understanding and ignorance, we suffer all manner of unpleasant things.
If we can look within  ourselves, and begin to realise that there is much more to us, than meets the eye,we begin to discover our inner reality, and begin to connect with an inner energy that gradually
reveals itself to you as your higher self, the soul.
This inner identifying with your real self opens up access to expansion of consciousness,and
awareness,your perceptions become more attuned to higher vibrations and frequencies,you
gradually become a "WHOLE BEING" rather than a fragmented one you were before you
awakened into real self.
Most of us on this planet live alone, we are unconscious to our real identity, we are fragmented
and plagued by longings and loneliness, which manifests in numerous dis-eases and addictions
that befall mankind today, millions die each year completely unaware and oblivious to who they
truly ARE, we each have a responsibility i feel to share our experiences  with each other and to try
and help our brothers and sisters to find their true inner reality, thereby gaining freedom and inner
joy, hopefully this little old blog will help one of you out there, to find a way out of the maze
of illusions and the smoke and mirrors that reflect in our lives, and find your true nature, all
i am doing is sharing my experiences with all of you, and hope it can be of some use.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation

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