Saturday 6 January 2018

Points-Of-Observation, =P.O.O.

There are approximately seven billion points of observation upon this planet Earth. These points of
view, or observations are commonly called human beings,belonging to what is called the Human
You and me are all included in this point of observation, we are all witnesses of the Divine Monitor
that dwells within us, but alas,many of those billions of us,are completely unaware of this fact, for
make no mistake,it is a fact, and NOT a theory.
Who is it that looks out through "your"eyes, and witnesses what it sees? You may answer that what
witnesses what you see out there is me? The question then arises, what is this thing that you call a
me? Can you fully answer this question? Who is the viewer? If you say ME, then ;please explain
what a ME IS? And how does this Me see?
Why is it that at certain times in your life,when filled with high emotional excitement, or great
wonder and awe,you have felt like there was something else looking out through "your" eyes?
What and who was this "viewer"looking out with "your" eyes?
P.0.0. is about revealing the observer within us,finding out who is looking out through "your" eyes,
is it your ego? Are you a ME? And if so ,what exactly is that? Your personality, is that what looks
out into the world? Is your ego and personality  the same thing? Or different?
We can spend all our lives , never asking the question , and billions do this every day.They are
not conscious of the inner "viewer"who witnesses through "their Eyes"they are so fascinated by
outwardly things,that they never look within and ask questions like, who is the viewer within me?
We need to try and understand that what we really are is viewers, looking out into a world that we
"seem" to be engaged with.
We are all just point of view, observers of the motions and witnessing those motions as we gain
experience from the witnessing and encountering our reactions and our responses, we act and react
in motional response to the stimuli that presents itself to us, this is how we learn and adapt to the "living experience we are all experiencing upon this planet called Earth.
We are all Divine viewers, enclosed and encapsulated with ;physical,etheric, and astral form, these
bodies allow Divinty to be expressed here on earth.
Will go more into this in part two on POO, warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

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