Saturday 6 January 2018

Points-Of-Observation.=P.O.O. Part Two.

We are all observers of our gathering of experiences,we are all "viewers" of the scene that presents
itself to us moment by moment each and every day of our existence here upon the Earth plane.
Voyeurs, viewers,of our unfolding life experience  here on Earth. The question that needs answering
when we finally get around to considering, why are we here? Is that who and what is the "viewer"
of all this gathering  of experiences?
For countless life times here on earth we never consider this question, we are far too busy "getting
on with "our" life, and fighting with our neighbours!
However, there eventually comes a time, in one particular lifetime, that we feel there is something
more to us, than just the physical body,we feel "intuitive thoughts and ideas" coming from deep
within us, and this gets us wondering where is this inner voice coming from? That still small voice
within us, is the voice of our "higher self" the SOUL, the voice of the spirit  within us, this is the
source of that still small voice.
The SOUL is the vehicle of the inner spirit that dwells within every being here on earth, this inner
spirit is the actual "VIEWER" of all our visioning  experiences while here on earth.
To come to this understanding within our point of consciousness, we usually need a "kick up the ass"
and this arrives within our life in the form of a crisis, this crisis can be either life threatening, or
just a deep emotional distressing time in our life, whatever it is, this crisis, at the right time in
our evolutionary journey towards "WHOLENESS" and ATONEMENT, impacts on us in such a way
as to make us "LOOK" within ourselves, searching for an answer.
When we do this ,we begin to make an amazing discovery,we begin to realise that behind our
"personality and egoic manifestations", there is another "FORCE" or "ENERGY"  LURKING
there, this "LURKING" energy is your immortal divine SOUL.
The immortal divine soul, that lives within us, and is the "VIEWER" who looks out on creation
through "our" eyes,Divinity looking our from Absoluteness into relativity through the medium
of our physical,mental,spiritual,etheric,and astral bodies.
P.O.O. is about the Absolute,GOD,Brahman, ALLAH, able to visually look out at its creation through
the eyes of its EMBODIMENTS (US) and see through our eyes the beauty of  its creation and
When we can stand aside (the ego and personality)and just "GAZE" at creation without thinking
and naming it,just LOOKING, and standing to one side , then the "VIEWER" WHO IS GOD, can
see and marvel at its works of radiant splendour .
Warmest regards Michael any feed back welcome, facebook soul realisation.

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