Friday 19 January 2018

Spirit-Talking-In-Loving-Language-Numenosity-Expressed-Signalling-Silence.=S.T.I.L.L.N.E.S.S. P.3.

Unless we find stillness and peace within us,we fall prey to all manner of ailments that befall
the unwary one,ailment's like heart disease,cancer,mental and emotional  illnesses, addictions to
things like alcohol.drugs, food, sex and porn, all these maladies that befall mankind are due to
the utter lack of any inner peace and stillness.
We become habituated to the inner agitation that manifests within modern mankind,the constant
agitation of all the media outlets, like smart phones,and lap tops,etc,all clammering for our
attention, and constantly spewing out worthless gems of purile trash to keep you constantly looking
at that worthless plastic screen! These actions add to a general unease and agitation.
Mankind has been "DUPED" by global ignorance to always look look outward, and pay attention
to the media giants,like, Facebook, and Goggle,in case you miss some important piece of worthless
junk called "news"! We are mesmerised and hypnotised by our pieces of plastic junk, that keep
billions in a trance like state, unable to think for them selves, let Goggle tell you what to wear and
what to think!
We are all spirit (souls) clad in a "space suit" called the physical body, our reason for being here
is to know who we really are, to become unified  with the soul within us all, and the way to find
this inner union is to go within ourselves,turn our gaze inward and looking within,with the help of yoga or meditation, and find that point of inner stillness that dwells within us all.
When we find that inner stillness we find the "Royal Road" that leads to the knowing and
discovering the reality of the SOUL,that is the REAL YOU!
This discovery leads to enlightenment, and an expansion of consciousness,and puts us in a steady
state of relaxed quietitude and peace within us.
We find the true HOME where STILLNESS DWELLS.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome,face book soul realisation.

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