Saturday 13 January 2018

Deception-Engages-Awareness-Truth-Held-Hostage.=D E A T H .

The biggest lie, and deception that has ever befallen mankind, is this word called (DEATH) what
fear and dread this word conjures up in our scared and frightened minds, we are all born to die, says
mankind, nobody can escape death, we are told, even the richest man on earth cannot buy another
day extra to live, when his time is up and the "GRIM REAPER" is summoned! Some are in such
fear of dying  and death that they feel they can actually "hear" the "REAPER" sharpening his sythe
ready to cut them down!!
We are all "living energy" and even science and quantum physics come to our rescue here,when we
are scared of dying and being extinguished, entering oblivion,and gone forever, science informs us
"energy"which we "ARE" cannot "ever"be destroyed, that all energy is basically eternal by nature,
science tells us that! Energy can only be converted, never destroyed.
So we as energy, when we "die" (converted) we leave our physical body  and move fully into our
Astral body. The physical body which is constructed from the elements, earth,air, fire and water,
and the ether, all resolve down (decay) and are reabsorbed into their elemental affinities.
Death is an ILLUSION, albeit, a very persistent one, as observed by Albert Einstein,death is really
another word for "change" (conversion) when we die  we change the "living space"that we did occupy, the physical world,and move into our new home the Astral realm, where we have
visited many times in sleep,but few remember their experiences there.
We fear death because of our ignorance, we are never told the truth of what that word actually
means, it means, (CHANGE) nothing MORE! You change your living space, which prior to
change (death) you lived in the physical world,when you "die" you leave the physical
realm, and fully occupy your Astral body and move seamlessly into the Astral plane of life.
Mankind has seven bodies of expression, and he occupies them all,the physical body is the
lowest,and the bliss body is the highest, we also have an etheric body, astral body,egoic body,
etc, the etheric body is an "Electric Blue" outline which acts as a mediator between realms,
and is also called the health body,if you have any illness , it first appears within the etheric
body, as a dark patch over where the illness or disease will make contact with the physical
If you put your thumb and forefinger together, hold them very close together,then look between
the tiny gap,stare at this gap, and at first you will see a misty outline appear, then this will change
and you will see an electric blue flame shining there from your finger! Go on try it out now, prove
it to YOURSELF dear READER, the reality of YOUR ETHERIC AURA!
In part two will explore this CHANGE (DEATH) more., any feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

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