Thursday 18 January 2018

Spirit-Talking-In-Loving-Language-Numenosity-Expressed-Signaling-Silence.=S.T.I.L.L.N.E,S,S, Part 2.

All matter moves,motion is the way of  relativity, the relative universe is in eternal motion, nothing
is still, how then can we achieve stillness with this universal motioning universe?
If we looacticek at a physical example, of say a hurricane, it can have winds in excess of 150 miles
per hour, yet in the eye of the hurricane, all is still! No wind, no motion, we can achieve this
stillness by going within our selves,moving away from the surface motion, and going into that quiet
place within us, "our own personal,eye of the hurricane!"
When we take up the practice of yoga or meditation, we begin the process of searching for stillness
that exists within us,all we have to do,is to find it.
The only way i know of finding this quiet still place within us,is by the practice of yoga or meditation
if you know of another way  that's great, use that.
Within stillness lies the kin of stillness, that of silence,silence and stillness are constant companions
of each other.
Through the practice of yoga or meditation we learn how to find balance and peace within us.
This may take a lot of practice, doing this discipline daily,greatly helps speed up our journey
towards peace and serenity.The more we can relax, and let go of outside things,become
emotionally calm, find a point of balance within us,let go of all thoughts and feelings, be still,
in mind, and body, then when we are perfectly within, our consciousness becomes expanded,
and our perception becomes more sensitive, our awareness also expands,and we begin to touch
on the intuitive aspects of our inner being, that of our higher self , the SOUL.
The more we can cultivate stillness within us, and what's more "hold that state"for longer and
longer periods,we will begin to see changes occurring within us.
We will be much more perceptive and aware of all things around us,we will intuitively know
what is real and what is false,we will be able to "read"other people and see them as they really are
either,true or false sentiments or feigned emotions.
Our consciousness will expand and become more inclusive, and less exclusive we will begin to see and know who we really are.
In part three, will bring this stillness to conclusion, warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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