Saturday 27 January 2018

As-Belonging-Intensified-Divinity-Envelops. =A.B.I.D.E.

We can spend most of our lives longing for something,that we just don't know what it is! This
longing often takes the form of an emptiness within us,that we try and fill with all manner of
things, like, alcohol,drugs,food,sex,etc, a hollow and a hole within the core of our being.
We are forever longing for something,what we need is the (BE) to become fixed to the word
longing,so that we feel that we now BElong to something, rather than being apart from.
How can we go from longing and emptiness unto belonging and filled with energy?
That's a very good question! Usually the answer to this by enduring a major crisis in our
lives, this then opens the door for considering changing the way we live our lives.
The title of this blog  ABIDE is about reaching within us,and leaving the sorrowful state
of longing and suffering that arises from this state,like alcoholism,drug addiction,obesity,
mental and emotional illnesses,heart attacks, cancer,etc, and finding that within us there (ABIDES)
our real and true identity, that of the soul or higher self.
When we can make  the connection to our real and true nature, all the wounds that we have endured
during our lifetime , will start to heal over,because we will have tapped into a previously unknown
source of power,that of our Divine higher self, the SOUL.
We on our own,seriously lack any real power,our life force energy is flashing out warnings of
serious malfunctions that are about to present themselves to us, these come in the form of
illnesses, mental and physical breakdowns, dis-ease, our VITALITY which springs from the
inner world and dimension of the spirit, is seriously compromised  by our lack of conscious
awareness of who we truly are, we are ignorant of our true identity, and because of this ignorance
we suffer so much pain and anguish, my hope is that this blog might in some small way help
to lesson this ignorance.
Lacking vital power is our major dilemma, this is why tens of millions die each year, because of
a shortage of vital energy, that comes from embracing the inner fact that we are all eternal
immortal souls,living in a physical body, which is not aligned to this fact, thereby we fall ill
and die or ignorance basically.
In part two of ABIDE will go more intro this, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation,

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