Sunday 31 December 2017

Awakening-When-All-Resistance-Expires. =A.W.A.R.E. part two.

We resist so much,mostly completely unaware of what we are even resisting?  The main thing we
all resist, and is the main cause of all our woes, planetary,and personal, is our resistance to look
within ourselves, we are all "mesmerised and fascinated", as though we were in a "trance like state"
transfixed and "held hostage" by our electronic gadgets, like smart phones,and tablets, these gadgets,
that connect that connect us to the "media highway" and the mediocre shallow bullshit it peddles
out 24/7. These electronic devices, keep us in a trance like state,and stop all chance of ever looking
within,why you might miss some shallow crap gossip,if you took the trouble to look within you!
Ignorance and resistance are the two biggest foes of mankind, because all the while we are caught
up in this "web of lies" we are hopelessly lost,and a total stranger to reality and how life really
So what can we do?Good question! The main problem is that so many are hopelessly lost within
themselves, and to further compound this fact,they are not even "aware"that they are "LOST"
therefore a solution cannot be found in these circumstances.
What happens to a soul that has been "lost for ages"is that the inner spirit, the soul, will bring about
circumstances, that will culminate in a minor or major crisis,this will bring about a change of
awareness and the beginning of a process that will lead the man out of ignorance into an understanding of who he really is, this will be brought about by the man who for the first time in his life , actually beginning to look within himself.
To begin examining the truth of his being,"who am I"? He asks,and through regular practice of meditation and yoga,he begins to find out who he really is.
We cannot awaken into full realisation of whom we really are,until we begin to let go of all
resistance, when we can expire this constant need to resist, and what are we all resisting anyway?
Basically, we are all resisting the need to "change" we do not like change! And many of us resist
it to the point the it can and often kill us in the process, is this not a form of insanity?
In part three will try and tie up all loose ends, warmest regards Michael, face book soul realisation. any feed back welcomed.

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