Sunday 10 December 2017

The Agony Of Man's AGNI (Fire of Transformation)

Man is a burning fire,burning with passions arising within inflamed mind, desire and passion
energised by ignorance are a potent recipe for misery and pain.
Mankind is manifested in living fire, (liquid fire)condensed into what is called  a physical body,
the human physical body is fire (energy)slowed down vastly in its vibration rate, and expressed
as a (solid looking) form. The fire that is the essence of man is liquid in nature, the same as that
of spirit,Spirit (consciousness)without any (expression) is "cold fire" fire without  heat or light
pure unexpressed spirit is a "black light", a flame that is life's essence, a black flame,the "seed
potential" of all expression,as above, so below,as below,so above, a seed within the earth "needs"
the darkness in order to "ignite" the flame of expressed life, this is the energy of black light,
darkness,(energy) then when it has "sprouted" it enters the domain of liquid radiant light,which
has the spectrum of variety within it.
Black light,(consciousness unexpressed) is beyond any spectrum differentiation, it is pure energy
that "sparked" the seed into expression mode.
Man is mostly only familiar with the light that emanates from within his desires and passions, this
is AGNI in its "burning glory mode"the ferverent passions of heated desire.
This is the upward flow of AGNI,and is a hot flame, that burns deeply within man, when this flame
is added to feelings of hatred and resentment,it turns into dis-ease such as cancer  and heart attacks.
The fury of anger outbursts make man "glow" (fire)with rage, that's why your face glows red when
you are angry, that is red light, radiating from within,This is AGNI in the act of "consuming you"
from within.
The cool flame of AGNI that flows into the crown chakra is largely unknown to the majority of
of us.
The cool flame is that of the spirit descending into man, when the man is open and ready to recieve
this energy,after opening himself up through the regular practice of meditation or yoga, often man
will only take up this daily discipline when he has undergone some grave crisis, or major illness
in his life. It is often when our "backs are against the wall" that we will finally look within us for
a way out of our misery suffering, and sorrow.
When man looks regularly within himself and makes a daily discipline of stilling the wayward
noisy chattering mind,when he finds that inner stillness,the inner fire begins to percolate and begins
a descent into the one who has ardent intent and mindful focus.
Will go more into this tomorrow, in part two, warmest regards michael. any comments welcome,face book soul realisation.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. I was thinking of talking about the impact of negative thinking on health just before reading this blog. This gives me encouragement. Thanks
