Thursday 21 December 2017


What is GRACE? Have you ever experienced it? Is grace a BOON from God? Or have you actually
earned it,(albeit unknowingly)? By the grace of God, what does this actually mean?
Is God the "bestow-er of Grace"? Or are we the be- stowers of grace upon our selves? Could it not
be, that our actual be-stow-er of grace is our higher self the soul?
So many questions about what grace could actually be, it seems to me that we are the actual be-stow-ers of grace upon ourselves. If you think that it is God (Brahman)  that be-stow-es this grace upon us
then is this BE-STOW-ER of grace separate from us? And if so how? How can the Absolute God of
all there is,was, and will ever be,apart from its own manifestations? Are we not all emanations from
within the essence of the Absolute, Brahman, GOD? And if we are that, which seems surely to be
the case,therefore from where does grace arise from? What is its source?
The reality of this thing called grace is as i see it, be-stowed upon ones-self by the acceptance of
all, physical,mental, emotional,and spiritual aspects of being at a great depth,the greater the depth
of our acceptance of all things they are, the greater depth of grace and peace will befall us.
Grace will befall upon us, directly through our "letting go of all resistance" physically,mentally,
and spiritually, and emotionally as well, when our resistance falls to "ZERO POINT" GRACE
descends within us, as a direct result of our inner tranquillity that made our mind still and clear,
all is calmed within,in the very stillness  of focused quietude, GRACE is the BOON that we be-stow
upon ourselves, when we live in harmony  with the natural laws of life.
Grace and acceptance go hand in hand, together,complete and total acceptance of our life and all the manifestations that arise from within it,will bring about the state of grace quite automatically.
When we say things like , by the grace of God willing , will see you tomorrow, what do we really mean?
Well if we think it through, what is tomorrow? There is only ever the eternal now,so tomorrow is
a meaningless expression  of something that can NEVER happen in reality, tomorrow never
arrives, does it! We will see you now,as we are so doing,that grace is be-stowed upon us now!
G-R-A-C-E GOD- Realised-As- Consciousness-Expands how can we expand our level and depth
of  consciousness?
We will explore this in part two tomorrow.warm regards michael. any feedback welcome, face book soul realization 

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