Friday 15 December 2017


The meaning of the word YOGA, actually means "union"linking up all the fragmented parts of man
into one unified WHOLE.
How is this done? Well there are many ways and forms of meditation and yoga practices, that can be
used to begin the process that will lead to ultimate unification within the WHOLE ,yoga, union with
We open the gateway that will lead eventually to union , we will discover the ATMA within us,
ATMA means self, or soul, this is who you really are.
Mankind can know many "things"but the most important thing  he can ever know is the answer to
the question, who am I?  When mankind can answer this question with full realisation and integrity
he will then be re-united with his "TRUE BEING"  that of the SELF.
The first steps taken in this unification process, begin by looking within us. We look within and
endeavour to still the wayward mind, with its endless "thoughtful chatter".
This process of stilling the mind, takes as long as it takes, one man may do this in weeks, or even in
a few days,another man may take his whole lifetime, and even more. It really depends on our "point
of evolution"(where we are on the pathway of expression) and how much effort we put in, on a
daily basis, with our meditation and yoga practices.
Man is expressed in a physical,mental, and spiritual mode, a three fold being,who for millions of
us upon this planet only exhibit, and know of two dimensions of being, that of physical and mental,
millions are completely unaware, (and seem not to care, or have any interest in) of their spiritual
divine heritage, they are two dimensional beings only, rather than expressed in three dimensions.
The spirit is as good as "DEAD!" within millions of us,the way of the "world" seems to be forever
looking "outward"  whereas the ATMA or union with our true being can only be found by going
within our self, and finding the LIFE FORCE that dwells within us, which is of course, that of the
In part two of this blog on union YOGA, will attempt to go deeper into this, and see how consciousness which is really energy directed by will, unites within man and reveals his true
identity, that of a GOD INCARNATE!.
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome, face book soul realisation.

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