Wednesday 27 December 2017

Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S. part three.

Reality (spirit,consciousness) hides from us in plain sight,everything we touch,taste,feel,see, and
hear, is spirit, yet we call it many millions of different names, little realising that everything we are
ever aware of is exactly the SAME THING, and that the only "real difference " is in the vibrational
rate of the object been viewed, that is all.
All is energy,energy is consciousness,and consciousness in its highest degree is SPIRIT, which
further reveals its highest degree of expression that of LIFE of which we know nothing about,
yet we are all "IT" we are LIFE,Spirit, on two legs!
How then can we know this truth about our inner being? Good question!Man can spend a thousand
or more life times here on earth, and still not know who he really is.
There is only really one tried and trusted way of discovering yourself, and that is by going within yourself, looking within yourself by the practice of meditation or yoga, however mankind is
resistant to doing this,he is "FAR TOO FASCINATED" by outward looking"bullshit" like smart
phones, taking selfies, (bloated egotism)  checking FACEBOOK, and TWITTER, and all the other
social media outlets, to even think about looking within himself. That is of course until his inner self
the soul, decides  its time to re-orient your "gaze" from outward looking to inward looking, the soul
does this by bringing a crisis into your "field of vision", this crisis can come in the shape of illness
like cancer, or heart disease, or maybe be in the form of loosing your job,or marriage break up, this
crisis, although at first seems like a very negative thing, is in fact a "Godsend"to you, it is the Divine
within you trying to rescue you from further suffering and torment.
When we are in the "throws" of a crises and our life may  well hang in the balance, like mine once
did, many years ago.
It utter despair we call out in anguish, looking for help and hope, then in our "darkest hour"just
before the dawn breaks, a "voice" from within us, calls out in a reassuring voice, "all will be well"
it says, peace will come, this inner voice which is the voice of our Divine self, the soul or higher
self,opens up the door way within us, we are then invited to turn our gaze inward, to take up the
daily practice of meditation or yoga, which will eventually lead us into full realisation of our inner
Divinity and an understanding that we are all spirit expressed as a human being in order to gain
experience about our true immortal identity.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, face book soul realisation.

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