Saturday 23 December 2017

WHY ARE WE HERE? (Dedicated to my friend Sathish Prince)

                           Blog idea suggested by Sathish Prince,

The universe is totally governed by natural law, "all is under law" and we as human beings
are no exception!
All universal laws emanate from within the infinite embrace of the Absolute, or Brahman, God,
God, alone alone is above the law, and is the only exception to all that is,the Absolute is the law
and the law is Absolute.
Before answering the question of this blog,why are we here? We maybe need to look at what we are first! So the first question is, what are we? What are these things called human beings?
We are all Divine  beings brothers and sisters of the ONE FATHER, a divine manifestation, we
are all "spirit" first, soul second, and a human third, our "human body" is basically a "space suit"
for the indwelling soul while incarnation.
We are all sons and daughters of the Absolute, here on earth to rediscover our inherent divinity
we are all "points"of consciousness within the "Absolute mind" seven billion facets of the "ONE
JEWEL" that of the Absolute.
So that is who we are very briefly, now we can answer the question, why are we here?
The only reason any of "us" our here is to discover our inherent divinity, to find out who we really are,we are "god incarnate", but it might take us a million life times to finally  realise this truth about
our "Real Nature".
Coming back and forth in and out of carnation.At first our journeying in and out of incarnation
is wholly automatic, we have NO say in the matter,the natural law of which we are all fimly
embedded within, decides our incarnations, back and forth with rapid succession, life after life
we are existing through, until, one day, there is a "dawning" within us, a feeling that arises from
the very depths of our being, it echo's through our mind, and within our heart,it stirs something
from within us,a distant memory begins to dawn upon us,we feel an inner urge, that we are far
more than we ever before realised.
This is the beginning of our awakening into the truth of who we really are,our divine heritage
is about to be discovered by us this very day.
In part two will expand this more inclusively ,warmest regards michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

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