Tuesday 12 December 2017

The Agony Of Man's AGNI. (Fire Of Transformation) Part Three.

The fire (AGNI) in the aspiring man begins to rotate after a while of ardent endeavour, when the
beginnings of balance within the emotions of the enquiring begin to calm, and the uprising thoughts
have been all but stilled(for a short time at least) then there begins a descent of AGNI (fire) into the
crown chakra of the man.
AGNI rotates down in a vortex shaped column of liquid fire, and enters the upper head (crown chakra) of the man.
While this is occurring, the lower fire is rising from the base root chakra, and is slowly ascending
again in a spiral vortex formation, and will eventually meet with the higher fire of AGNI within
the heart chakra.
Now the time factor for this occurrence to bring about partial or full realisation, really depends
upon the man in question,and his position within the evolutionary chain, whether he is an old or
young soul, it can take one lifetime, or many thousands of years. The man life after life, gradually
ascends the ladder of realised perfection, and then one momentous day arrives,and all his efforts
come together in a FUSION of internal fires (AGNI) unites the man with his true image that of
The beginnings of this transformation start as soon as the man has decided to open himself to change
and adopts a regular practice of meditation.
Man has lost his way,and forgotten his real identity, that of a divine immortal soul, a GOD in
waiting for expression,man is wholly spirit, (which translates as the "LIFE FORCE") we are all
children of the very LIFE of ALL LIFE, that of the ABSOLUTE,BRAMAN, we are all "facets" of
By going within ourselves, and becoming inward looking, rather than outward looking,we begin to
make the connections that will eventually lead us into perfect peace,and endless joy.
Looking within ourselves, asking the question,who am I? This question will be answered if you
persist in the enquiry within.
Man is spirit,clothed in a soul, and further expressed in a physical body.Man needs to awaken unto
his destiny,which is realisation of the SELF, which begins with soul identification first, when the
intuitive fires of AGNI are fully ignited within the ardent man,he will begin an expansive
awakening into his true identity,his consciousness, perception,and awareness, will expand and the man will begin to see the inclusivity of expressed life.
AGNI fires will unite within the man's heart chakra, the lower will unite with the higher and that
union which is the true meaning of the word YOGA (union) therewill eventually ensue a FUSION
of human with the divine, cold fusion from AGNI higher flame, will cool the lower fires of passion
and bring about a balance of energy, equilibrium will have been established.
Man will then be born again,without having to enter the womb twice!
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, face book soul realisation.

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