Monday 25 December 2017

Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S,

There is an ancient axiom, which says,"that reality is hidden in plain sight, and we see it not"
we too have a saying which says, "we are like ships that pass in the night, we pass each other
without ever knowing we were there".
We each have senses,sight,hearing,smelling, tasting, and touching, and we have access to
awareness and consciousness, thoughts and feelings, if we say focus on sight, what do you actually
see? You look around your place of viewing, and what do you actually see? If you were asked to name all the things you see, you would most likely come up with many "different" things,all called
by different names,I saw a bird,a tree, a car, people, grass, dogs, what you "thought" you saw was
several different things, but in "reality" you only ever "saw" ONE THING, that of SPIRIT,
disguised in what appears many different forms.
If we look at what science says about matter, and what it is,what does quantum physics say about
matter?Quantum physics says that matter is actually energy, and mainstream science agree that
ALL MATTER is ENERGY, everything you see, touch,taste, smell,hear,is energy, we are all ENERGY, now quantum physics is postulating that matter is energy, and that they now believe
that energy is just another name for consciousness! The next discovery will be I predict very soon
will be that they will then see that CONSCIOUSNESS is actually SPIRIT, and that spirit is just
another name for LIFE, which then translates as the ABSOLUTE,GOD, BRAHMAN.
So getting back to what you think you see? In absolute truth there is only the ABSOLUTE, who
is ALONE within its UNKNOWABLE IS-LESS NESS, we and the universe are all within this
unknowable Absolute Infinite LIFE FORCE, that is absolute, that is who we really ARE, when
we "SHED OUR MANY SHEATHS" of expressions, here and now we are ALL RELATIVE
beings,living here on the earth plane, doing what we can to get by, and find some joy and peace
There is also an ancient saying, that says "ALL NAMES BELONG TO ME" thus says the ABSOLUTE GOD, we get confused in seeing what we think are many many, things, but in
reality, and science confirms this  ancient truth, that everything you see, touch, taste, smell,
is ALL THE VERY SAME THING, that of energy, matter, consciousness, spirit. everything
in the universe is made of exactly the SAME THING, there is no such thing as (THINGS) only
thing exists in reality.
In part two will explore this more deeply. warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

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