Saturday 16 December 2017

You-Open-gateway-ATMA =Y.O.G.A. Part Three.

Mankind, is living within the ranks of "the legion of the lost", until man finds himself by going
within,he is cast adrift, within a ocean of despair,agony, and pain,he is forever destined to circle
around his precious ego, "like a great white shark,about to devour its prey" man is being "devoured"
eater alive, by his ego, and selfish nature.
Usually, when we have suffered enough, been through many heartaches, illnesses,and traumatic
crisis, we then become open to the need to change.
Here man who has suffered enough, begins the journey inwards,embarking on a path that will finally
lead him to finding his true inner nature,and unification with his higher self ,the soul.
YOGA, has many paths , that lead to final liberation from the bondage of self, we can all choose
one that resonates within us.
In my own case i went within myself, and sat quietly, for more than forty years, listening to that
still small voice within me(that of the soul)  this inner voice was very spasmodic at first, and
sometimes, months would pass without any contact, but i persisted daily.
It took me years to finally be able to still the mind, so that all thoughts ceased, when this started to occur, the inner voice became more frequent.
Union or YOGA, means that everything within the universe is connected to you,and you are connected to it,we are all connected to (GOD) by the nature our indwelling spirit, and we are
connected to nature, the stars, and planets,plus every human being, who in fact is your brother or
Total connection with all matter,mind,and spirit,we are connected and interconnected with the
WHOLE of expressed life.
We realise this truth within ourselves,we see that we are all immortal eternal beings,who are all
on a journey of discovery, and gaining experience while being expressed here on Earth.
When we have learned all there is to understand here on Earth(which may take a few weeks!!!!!)
we will then move on,to greater and more adventurous discoveries, in other parts of this wonderful
universe, which we all call HOME.
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, face book soul realisation,

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