Wednesday 20 December 2017

I-Dream-Of-Love.=I.D.O.L. Part Three.

Love, which stands for,Living-Omnipotent-Vibrant-Energy=LOVE, is the universal "glue" that
binds all focused expressions of its awesome power, and holds all within its coherent "loving
When love becomes expressed and condensed into form, it takes on a "cloth or sheath"which then
becomes known as a different name, that of a "VITAL" force, VITALITY is the outer expression
the inner love principle,vitality is also a living principle(the outer expressed of the inner love) that
if it is not fully manifest within us,we are often called to be "lacking in vitality"that is the outer
appearance,the inner reality is that we are also lacking the nourishing vibration of Divine Love.
Millions die every year, due to a lack of vitality (love) without the tender embrace of love,  we
just wither away and die.
What we really need to know, and fully understand, is that we as human beings are basically a
"enclosed energy circuit"(the many layers or sheaths of the auras) that is charged with vital life
enriching energy,(here we need to understand that energy,is really FOOD) and the food of life
equals love =vitality.
Now mankind makes the fatal mistake, due to his ignorance ,of looking for vitality and love
outside of himself, this will only prolong his sufferings, and will eventually eliminate man from
his incarnation, and he will be recycled again later,and hopefully choose wiser next time!
But it need not be this way, man is Divine by nature of his Divine heritage,man is a living divine
soul incarnate, the very embodiment of the principle that he so badly needs!! If only he knew to
look within himself for the answer.
Human beings are love (vitality) incarnate into physical form.Inwardly they are are the essense
of the love principle, LOVE ITSELF, outwardly they are vital (provided of course, they are in
tune with their inner self) if not, then their vitality (love) will be spasmodic and be drawing the
life essence, from a much lower level of vibration,thereby lacking in vibrant energy, rather just
sluggish and wearisome.
The solution to banishing a lack of energy, lack of vitality, lack of feeling loved and accepted,
is by going within ourselves, accepting the awesome fact and reality, that YOU ARE DIVINE, yes
DIVINE on two legs!! Every atom in your entire energy matrix is 100 per cent LOVE, YOU ARE
IT, you do not have to look for love, you are it, look in the mirror, what looks back at you through those eyes is the DIVINE BEING, who YOU ARE. Dream of love no MORE, you are IT.
Warmest regards Michael ay feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

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