Monday 18 December 2017

I-Dream-Of-Love -I,D.O.L.

What is it that we all need, and crave for? Well there may be many answers to this question, such as
lots of money, good health, but the most important thing i believe we all want is love, we all need and
want to be loved, loved for what we are, accepted,being loved helps us to feel as though we are whole
and valued.
It is said, that love makes the world go around, but those millions of us that receive no love, or respect, life seems empty and full of longing.
Longing for love, longing for acceptance, longing to fit in with others, be part of something, rather
than apart, and lonely.
How many of us, lie awake at night, and wish we had someone to love, and better still, someone who would love us.
Love is food for the soul,without the warmth of love, we become cold and bitter, open to all manner of dis-ease, because we are in fact the very embodiment of love incarnate, we are all first, spirit, second, we are soul, and third we are a physical body, all theses aspects of our presentation here on
earth, are actually all born out of unconditional love, we all are, everything on earth is manifested
by unconditional love, yet we know it not, and are completely unaware of this reality.
The mistakes we make, are all really born out of our ignorance, we all go looking for love and acceptance, never once realising that what we are actually looking for (love) resides within us, we
are LOVE, and fail to see this hidden truth, millions go looking for love, while millions more go
looking for GOD, (God is not lost) you are! Love is not out there, love lives within you.
If we look within ourselves, we will find the love that resides within us, our heat chakra is the home
of love, joy, and acceptance, we have but just look within our selves.
Because we have lost our way,and are ignorant of our true identity, we become shallow beings, and
empty vessels, love and respect, have been replaced by rabid selfishness and egotism,love for spiritual things and beings, is being replaced by worship of footballers,in the west a man who kicks
a bag of wind around (a football) is paid an obscene amount of money, and is like a GOD to his
fans, can not we see through this utter bullshit, and see it for what it really IS, the same thing for
celebrities and film stars, hollow fractured people, loved and adored by millions of fans,  who read all about them in special magazines, devoted solely to reporting about what these celebs think, what they wear, which is copied by the fans, how hollow and shallow we have all become, where is there any depth? Are we really that hungry and desperate to show interest  in what theses famous people actually do? Are we really that interested  in whether they fart in the bath!
We are all love incarnate,we are all souls with bodies, we are all within one divine family, and we are
all loved and accepted by the Great Spirit, in whom we live and move and have our being.
In part two will go deeper into this, warmest regards michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realisation

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