Saturday 30 December 2017

Anguish-Descends-Downwards-Into-Conscious-Thoughts-Impeding-Our-Nature.=A.D.D.I.C.T,I.O.N. P3.

The nature of addiction, reveals itself in the feeling of "longing" this longing, when looked into
its nature,further reveals a deep need to become "unified within the whole", our innermost nature
which is that of a Divine soul incarnate, calls out longingly to our outer self, saying please look
within and unite with your TRUE higher self,that of the soul.
All addictions have their root cause in the need for "unification" with the "whole" the biggest
obstacle to this unification with our higher self , the soul,  is that of our gross ignorance of who
and "WHAT" we really ARE!
We don't know who we really are, therefore, we feel a longing deep within us,do not understand
where it comes from, and therefore try and "fill"this "hunger" with all manner of things,like,
booze,drugs,food, sex,excessive egotism, (embodied in the SELFIE CRAZE) mental and emotional
illnesses, all these manifestations are our response to try and fill a "deep hole"within our psyche.
We each have an opportunity to change this,usually, after a crisis has visited us, then we are brought
up against our seemingly fragility of our life, and what happens to us if we die?
When we eventually look within ourselves,we suddenly feel that we have tapped into an unexpected
source of POWER.
This POWER is the energy of our soul, the spirit within all of us.When we embark on a practice
or yoga, we begin to open up a door within us,that leads to an expansion of awareness and consciousness, we begin to realise that we are far more than just a human being,we begin to wake
up to the knowledge that we are all souls, with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls.
We begin to see the true nature of all our longing, we "yearn for UNITY" to become WHOLE,
in mind, body, and spirit, rathefr than being "fragmented" as we all have been most of our lives.
By aligning ourselves with our true inner nature,that of souls incarnating upon the earth plane
to learn and gather experience.
When we can do that, that empty hollow feeling within us, will begin to "heal over"we will begin
the healing process of being restored and united with the WHOLE of our being,then we will see
ourselves as we truly ARE,that of DIVINE SOULS INCARNATE, immortal and eternal beings.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation,

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