Saturday 2 December 2017

Manifested-Yearnings-Spirit-Envelops-Life-Force.= M.Y. S.E.L.F.

What is it that we all yearn for? I know that many of you reading this will have many different
things, that you may yearn for, a new car, better job,a loving partner, to feel healthy and well, a new
home, the list would seem to be endless, what is is you really want, deep down in your inner psyche?
Do you feel whole? Is there something missing in your life? And you cannot quite put your finger
on it! What is wholeness? To be fully complete within, physically, mentally, and spiritually, is that
you, dear reader, are you complete and whole, physically,mentally, and spiritually?  What about
our emotional self?
Inner yearnings well up from deep within us, they are signals from the soul, our higher self, trying
to gain our attention, and urging us to for once in your life, to turn your gaze "inwards" whereas normally we have been looking outwards, since birth.
The empty feelings that we all experience, that sensation within, that feeling, that something is
missing,we feel it is missing, but we are not sure what this "missing thing" actually is.
Millions of us experience this feeling of incompleteness,something is missing in our life, and we
cannot quite put our finger on what it is. Many try and fill this "hole" this gaping chasm, within us
with things like, alcohol,drugs, food, sex, gambling, we become addicted to substances, whether it
be food,booze, sex, or drugs, vainly trying to fill this yawning gash within us, and millions die
hopelessly lost and bewildered each year.
I know what this feels like, because i was once lost and hopelessly bewildered, and given only three months to live,i was empty and hollow inside, i was a "hole" person, and not a "W"hole being.
I speak from experience, and not from theories,what was missing in my life, and what is missing
in millions of other lives, is contact with the higher self, the soul, we need to be very mindful here
that the reality of the human soul, has got absolutely nothing to do with any religion on this planet!
Every human being has a soul, whether they know it or not, accept it or not,reject it or not, whether
they be atheists or not,what we think,feel, accept or reject, is totally irrelevant, the reality is that we
all are souls, living within a physical body (spacesuit) for the soul. The magnificent aspect of this
reality, is that it can always be "SELF PROVED" you do not have to take my word for it, or any one
else either,just look within YOURSELF, ask yourself the question,WHO AM I? Persist with this effort, and you will be rewarded with a intuitional inner voice, that still small voice within us all
this inner reassuring voice, is none other than your higher self the SOUL.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realisation.

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