Thursday 7 December 2017


We are expressions of consciousness in physical form,we are called human beings, which means
basically that we are first spirit, second soul, and third human, we are all three fold beings, mental,
physical, and spiritual. that being who is called "human" do we actually realise what this actually
means? Basically, and actually, a human being, is a physical body,which is a "spacesuit" for the soul
the real and lasting reality of who we are, is the soul, the soul is immortal and eternal, as its essence
is that of SPIRIT, which is within the enfolding embrace of the Absolute.
Integral consciousness, is about realising our potential while here on the earth plane. it consists of
a two fold approach, first we raise up the "human" aspects of ourselves, which orbits around our ego's
our personality, our awareness of who we think we are, we raise "up" our humanness, until it reaches
our heart centre, there it will be stabilised by our meditative focus intent,we then reach "up" into
the vertical, raising our consciousness, and expanding our perceptual awareness, this is attained by
prolonged and focused intent, which will by effort and discipline, enable soul, telepathic communication to be attained. When the intuitive mind (soul) is fully activated, there is an automatic
"down flow" of expanded consciousness, this then enables the down flow to enter into the being
whose ardent intent over a long period, gradually begins to pay dividends.
There is in effect a down flow of "super consciousness" which enters the being via the crown chakra
and continues down until this flow reaches the heart chakra, here it is met by an up welling from
the root chakra and the two meet within the heart chakra. This meeting is a manifestation of human
and Divine FUSION, the lower becomes fused  with the higher and then the being enters into a state
of REALISATION, the man becomes  REBORN into full awaking consciousness of his Divinity
and sees himself as he REALLY IS, the Absolute incarnate upon the earth plane.
This is the destiny of all humanity, though it will take thousands of years for us all to realise this truth
however we can all be making a start today, some of us have almost completed the journey, others are
on their way, while others are feeling an inner urge to look within our selves.
Integral consciousness,is about us becoming WHOLE and COMPLETE, rather than the fragmented
parts that most of us are now experiencing, to become whole, free, and breath the air and embrace your divine heritage full on.
Warmest regards michael. face book soul realization.

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