Wednesday 27 December 2017


The substances we are addicted to,take the place of our soul, edging it out of our consciousness.
What then is the nature of addiction? Whom among us, is not addicted to something? I understand
addiction very well,after being under its horrendous lash for many years, my addiction took the
form of alcoholism, addicted to booze,so much so that it almost, but not quite killed me off, my
doctor gave me three months left to live, this was back in 1974, that's when i faced my addiction,
asked the Infinite Spirit for help,and surrendered my addiction to its Infinite Will.
That was nearly forty four years ago now, and i have enjoyed a clean and sober life ever since.
The nature of addiction is in the need of humanity to fill a gaping hole within the human psyche
or centre of being.
Humanity today is likened to the "legion of lost souls" billions of us are hopelessly lost within an
all embracing "emptiness" that engulfs our entire being, we are "Hollow people" a yawning gash
a chasm exists within us, which demands filling, and what will we fill this yawning gap with?
Drink,drugs, food,sex,compulsive and excessive egotism, like the obsession for taking photos
of yourself,selfies=bloated egotism) glued to smart phones,and other media reporting gadgets,
all make of worthless plastic, which if the battery were removed, what use would it really be??
Those who fool themselves that they are not addicted to anything, need to look carefully in the
mirror, they fool themselves by bullshit, and blindness, we are ALL addicted to something, find
out what your addiction is my friend.
The obvious ones like drugs, drink, and food, are very easy to detect,but there are many subtle
addictions that we all have,all in their own way,trying to fill a hole within us.
Addiction, exposes very clearly the nature of the arising need to "fill up" cover an opening within
ourselves, we need to rephrase the name of humanity to be the "HOLE" of humanity, rather that
the "WHOLE" of humanity.
Because within humanity as a "W"HOLE, there is a gaping "HOLE"that is being filled by many,
many, various addictions, tens of millions of us die each year in pain,anguish, and suffering due to
the nature of their particular addiction.
Instead of being WHOLE PEOPLE, balanced and healthy, we are instead, HOLE people, unbalaced
and very sick, in mind,body, and soul, What is missing from all the HOLENESS, is the "W" which
when attached to the word HOLE, then completes a healthy circuit of harmony, and we then are
transformed into WHOLE BEINGS, rather than fragmented ones,
In part two, will go deeper into this nature of addiction, warmest regards michael. any comments welcome, face book soul realisation.

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