Thursday 24 November 2022



This blog today entitled MOLE is about how all life is firmly anchored within the

membrane that separates the absolute from  the relative universe. First we need to

fully understand what life actually is. When life is being expressed (motion) it is 

called life, but when it is not being expressed  (stillness) it is called SPIRIT. 

Spirit always remains within the absolute but protrudes through the membrane 

like a wave rising up within the ocean. here the ocean is the absolute ocean of 

pure spirit. Spirit rises up and presses out the shape of the life particle that it will

be energising. 

In our case the human being. Spirit will press out five Koshas of expression which will 

push through the membrane and protrude into this relative universe.

This way pure spirit never actually comes into contact with the gross matter of this 


Humanity is covered over by five skins Koshas of etheric substance which house the

spirit within it , this allows spirit spirit to experience this dimension of relativity but 

not actually coming into direct actual  contact  with gross material.

Mole is about recognising that behind our FACADE of form, we are all in truth  pure

spirit, which is UNBORN and ETERNAL,  only life moves and has atomic vibration

which this relative universe is, one of total perpetual motion. Spirit NEVER MOVES

and is motionlessness. The reason spirit never moves and is eternally motionless, is 

because very simply Spirit is omnipresent, ubiquitous, present everywhere simultaneously

within the eternal now, which is absolute.

Only relative things move and have motional life. But all life  expressed  is all FIRMILY

ANCHORED within the stillness of PURE SPIRIT within the ABSOLUTE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks/

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